Showing posts with label sexologist-in-bihar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexologist-in-bihar. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Factual Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dubey Clinic

 Popularity of Best Sexologist in Patna - Dr. Sunil Dubey

Due to his popularity in Ayurveda and Sexology medical science profession most of the people in India have requested us to know more about Dr. Sunil Dubey. In fact, after the treatment of this senior sexologist doctor of India, the sexual health of more than four lakh thirty five thousand has been improved. Today, this is a record for treating a large number of sexual patients by the current senior sexologist doctor in India.

A brief introduction of Dr. Sunil Dubey:-

Dr. Sunil Dubey, this name is not only popular in India but also all over world. In fact, he is a world famous Ayurvedacharya and working as a senior clinical sexologist doctor in Patna, Bihar. He is the director of Dubey Clinic that was established in 1965 at Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04.

He is a well-qualified Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science expert & doctor who have been involved in this Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor profession for a long time. He is an authorized researcher and certified sexologist doctor who has researched on several sexual diseases of men and women. With his expertise in Ayurvedic medical science, he has discovered the most impressive Ayurvedic medicine to both married and unmarried sexual patients.

sexologist doctor patna

For his great contribution in the treatment of sexual patients, he has also been honored with Bharat Gaurav Award, International Ayurveda Ratna Award, and Asia Fame Ayurvedic Doctor. He is also gold medalist sexologist doctor who has received this honor for his excellence performance in this Ayurvedic Sexologist work.

The story behind the success of Dr. Sunil Dubey:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is the best sexologist in Patna. Although this sentence is written in one line, the story behind the success of this senior sexologist is the result of hard work, skillful practice, dedication, innovation in creativity. He has graduated in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from Ranchi University. He has been an active member and involved in anthropometric anatomy at the MRSH in London. After completing his PhD in Ayurveda from USA, he became Ayurvedacharya. He is engaged in his research for medicine for sexual problems.

At last, his hard work of research of five years turned into successful results when he successfully discovered the most effective Ayurvedic medicine. He has been associated with clinical sexologist doctor for more than three and half a decades. More than 4.35 lakhs of sexual patients (men and women) have utilized his natural medicine and most of them have successfully improved their sexual problems.

sexologist doctor patna

More than 100 sexual patients from different cities in India contact him over phone. He interacts with them and helps them to fix their problems. Some of them come to Dubey Clinic to get their treatment and medication. He properly provides them his treatment, counseling, and medication service privileges and helps them to improve their sexual problems.

Awards and Achievements in Bihar:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the most senior sexual health care doctors of Bihar, who has received lots of national, international and state awards. Here we will discuss about those awards and achievements which were honored by the Government of Bihar itself.

  • Honored with Bihar Shree Ratna Award by former central health minister Shree CP Thakur
  • Honored with Bihar Jyoti Award by the former governor of Tripura Shree Krishna Singh
  • Honored with Bihar Best Ayurvedacharya by the former central minister Shree Ram Kripal Yadav

More than 90% of people in Bihar always search for best sexologist in Bihar and always get him. Both local and outpatient contact Dubey Clinic every day to get their sexual solutions. In fact, this is the right destination for all those sexual patients who want to fix their sexual problems permanently.

sexologist doctor patna

Mostly people of Bihar and India have trust on his treatment and medication; that's why, they come to Dubey Clinic and consult him. Mostly metro cities people always consult him over phone and some of them visit Dubey Clinic. He is always helpful to all of them those who actually need of treatment.

He has a very soft heart and genuine concern for sexual patients. That's why; He provides his treatment and medicine to all categories of sexual patients. Apart from the work of sexologist, he also takes part in social work and helps poor people from time to time. Truly, his fair work towards the society has filled many people with happiness in life.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S. (Ranchi) | M.R.S.H. (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Traditional Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar for ED Remedies | Dubey Clinic

 Selection of Right Sexologist for Sexual Dysfunction:

Hello friends, good to see you all once again. As you all know that the cases of erectile dysfunction, a form of sexual dysfunction in men, are increasing day by day. Most of the people get themselves treated and take medicines on time but they are not able to improve their sexual health. Consider why they are unable to achieve good sexual health.

The most important thing is to select the right sexologist doctor and follow the guidelines given by him properly. It is 100% true that there is no better treatment for sexual dysfunction in allopathy or homeopathy than Ayurvedic medicine and treatment. A sexologist doctor, who is well versed in Ayurveda and sexology medical science, can cure any sexual patient by giving him proper treatment.

Today, one in 10 people is suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. If the survey is to be believed then about ten lakh people suffer from sexual problems every day. There are countless number of sexologists and venereal doctors in India but there are only a few Ayurvedacharyas and senior sexologists who actually have the real knowledge of this Ayurveda medical system. Today's topic is also important because this article has been prepared on theoretical less practical basis.

On today's topic, world famous Ayurvedacharya and India's senior sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey is giving complete information to people about the causes, symptoms and treatment of erectile dysfunction on the basis of his practical knowledge. He is the best sexologist in Patna and sexual patients from all over India definitely contact him once for the treatment of their sexual problems.

The main cause of erectile dysfunction:

There are many factors play an important role to lead a person to erectile dysfunction such as physical risk, disease, sexual hormone changing, aging, and psychological issues. In fact, 10% psychological factors like stress, depression, and relationship issues are attributed to this sexual dysfunction. The remains 90% are attributed to physical factors those lead to this ED. This physical factor is associated with lots of causes such as medical cause, health-related issues, and hormonal imbalance.

How do I deal with Erectile Dysfunction?

As you all know that the primary cause of erectile dysfunction is physical cause and psychological cause is the secondary cause. ED happens due to the combination of both the factors. If you are the facing the situation of erectile dysfunction in your sexual life, then only the experienced Ayurvedic sexologist doctor is the best option for the sexual patients.

Ayurveda is one of the most trusted and effective natural system of medicine where a sexual patient gets full time benefits after completion of the course. Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist in Bihar says that the classification of erectile dysfunction is divided into three stages. Most of the people are affected by the first stage of erectile dysfunction which is known as weak erection. More than 70% of the cases of erection problems are related to the weak penile veins.

Dr. Sunil Dubey provides both physical examination and psychological tests for this erectile dysfunction treatment case. He is one of the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researchers of India who has researched on various sexual dysfunctions of men and women. After five years of his research, he has discovered the most powerful Ayurvedic medication to them. In today’s date, more than fifty sexual patients of India are availing of the treatment and medication for their sexual dysfunction every day.

What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction?

Most people want the fastest way to cure the erectile dysfunction. Dr. Sunil Dubey believes that haste works like a devil. Yes, it is important to eliminate the disease from its roots. Actually, he knows all the advantages and disadvantages of quick recovery, but he advises people to adopt natural methods and improve sexual health in a natural way. It will take time, but it will eliminate the problems from the root.

In his treatment and medicine, he never compromises with the quality, purity and natural remedies. This is the reason why people from all over India prefer him first whenever they face any ailment in their sexual life.

Making changes in daily life and exercising, eating healthy natural food and following nature is the fastest way to improve health. Meditation and Exercise will help to maintain the stress-level whereas balanced natural healthy food assists the body in the natural way.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Meet top quality sexologist doctor in Patna today

 आयुर्वेद और हमारा जीवन:

आयुर्वेद प्रकृति का अनमोल उपहार जिसकी उत्पत्ति का सारा श्रेय अथर्ववेद को जाता है, जहाँ कई बीमारियों का उल्लेख और उनके उपचारों की सभी जानकारी इस वेद में दिया गया है। आयुर्वेद का मूल सार यह है कि पुरे ब्रह्मांडके जीवित प्राणी का समावेश पाँच तत्वों जैसे वायु, जल, अंतरिक्ष, पृथ्वी और अग्नि से बना है। ये पाँच तत्व हमेशा पंचमहाभूत को भी संदर्भित करते हैं। आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा भारत की मूल एवं पारंपरिक चिकित्सा पद्धति है जिसमें पंचकर्म (5 क्रियाएँ) सहित कई प्रकार के उपचारों का उपयोग किया जाता है।

 पंचकर्म के नाम निम्नलिखित हैं:- 1. योग 2. मालिश 3. एक्यूपंक्चर 4. हर्बल मेडिसिन 5. स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा। आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा की एक प्राकृतिक प्रणाली है, जिसकी उत्पत्ति भारत में 3000 वर्ष से भी पहले हुई थी। आयुर्वेद शब्द संस्कृत शब्दों (आयुर् एवं वेद) से लिया गया एक शब्द है आयुर् जिसका अर्थ है जीवन और वेद जिसका अर्थ है विज्ञान। इस प्रकार, हम कह सकते हैं कि आयुर्वेद हमें प्रकृति के माध्यम से जीवन का संपूर्ण ज्ञान सिखाता है।

आयुर्वेद के सात चरण: दरअसल, आयुर्वेद के इन सात चरणों को सप्त धातु कहा जाता है। प्रत्येक चरण का हमारे जीवन के लिए अपना महत्व है। ये निम्नलिखित हैं:-

  1. रस: रस स्वाद से कहीं अधिक बड़ी अवधारणा है, जहाँ स्वाद किसी बड़ी अवधारणा में प्रवेश करने वाला पहला उपकरण है। जिससे की जीवित प्राणी इस रस का आनंद लेता है।
  2. रक्त: "रक्त" शब्द देवनागरी शब्द "राज रंजने" से लिया गया है, जिसका अर्थ लाल रंग होता है।
  3. मांस: यह संस्कृत शब्द "मनसा" से लिया गया है, जो आयुर्वेद में तीसरे ऊतक, मांसपेशी ऊतक को दर्शाता है।
  4. मेद: आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा में, यह धातु ऊतक का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है जो वसा का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
  5. अस्थि: आयुर्वेद में, अस्थि शरीर रचना के संदर्भ में मानव शरीर के बारे में दर्शाता है।
  6. मज्जा: यह तंत्रिका तंत्र से संबंधित है और मस्तिष्क और रीढ़ की हड्डी में चयापचय प्रक्रियाओं को विनियमित करने वाला होता है।
  7. शुक्र: इसे शरीर में सातवीं धातु माना जाता है। यह शरीर का अंतिम ऊतक तत्व है।
sexologist doctors

आयुर्वेद के चार स्तंभ:

हमारे विश्व प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदाचार्य डॉ. सुनील दुबे बताते हैं कि आयुर्वेद के चार स्तंभ होते हैं जो हमें अच्छा स्वास्थ्य बनाए रखने में हमारी मदद करते हैं। ये चार स्तंभ निम्नलिखित हैं-

1. हमारी दिनचर्या: हम अपनी दिनचर्या के साथ इस प्रकृति में कैसे रहते हैं, यह हमेशा हमारे शरीर के लिए मायने रखता है। यह हमारी प्रकृति को भी व्यक्त करता है।

2. शरीर के लिए पोषण: हम क्या खाते हैं और हमारी इंद्रियाँ क्या अनुभव करती हैं, यह हमारे स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। एक कहावत है कि हम जैसा खाते है, वैसे ही बनते है।

3. शरीर का पाचन: हम जो कुछ भी अपने शरीर में ग्रहण करते हैं, उसे हम कैसे पचाते और उत्सर्जित करते हैं, यह हमारे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण कारक है।

4. ऊर्जा प्रबंधन: मनोवैज्ञानिक, तनाव और कई अन्य घटनाएँ हमारे दिमाग में चलती रहती हैं। हमारा ऊर्जा स्तर इसे कैसे प्रबंधित करता है, यह हमारी सोच का संकेत है। ऊर्जा का संचयन व सकारात्मक व्यय हमारे शरीर में एक प्रतिफल के रूप में होता है।

आज की हमारी चर्चा का मुख्य बिंदु आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा और हमारे यौन स्वास्थ्य देखभाल चिकित्सक पर आधारित है। भारत के विभिन्न शहरों से कई लोगों ने हमसे आयुर्वेद और हमारे दैनिक जीवन में इसके महत्व के बारे में कुछ जानकारी साझा करने का अनुरोध किया। यहाँ दुबे क्लिनिक ने स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए प्राकृतिक प्रद्धति एवं इसके दवाओं के बारे में कुछ जानकारी साझा करने की कोशिश की है। हमें उम्मीद है कि इस लेख को पढ़ने के बाद वे लोग इस प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा की पद्धति से संतुष्ट होंगे जो हमारे जीवन में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है।

sexologist doctors

बहुत सारे लोगो ने यह पूछा कि यौन रोगियों के उपचार के लिए आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा सबसे सफल क्यों है?

यह एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न है क्योकि बहुत सारे लोग जो लोग आयुर्वेदिक उपचार को हल्के में लेते है। निश्चित ही, आयुर्वेदिक उपचार के वास्तविकता को समझेंगे तो उन्हें बहुत फायदा होगा। वास्तव में, आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा प्रणाली जड़ी-बूटियों, रस - रसायनों, भस्मो  आदि जैसे प्राकृतिक पदार्थों पर आधारित है। आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर या आयुर्वेदाचार्य इस चिकित्सा प्रणाली में विशेषज्ञता रखते हैं। डॉ. सुनील दुबे एक विश्व प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदाचार्य और पटना में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर हैं, जिन्हें आयुर्वेद और सेक्सोलॉजी चिकित्सा विज्ञान में साढ़े तीन दशकों से भी अधिक समय का अनुभव है।

उनका मानना है कि आयुर्वेद में किसी भी बीमारी का 100% सटीक व शुद्ध उपचार और दवा उपलब्ध है। वे भारत में एक वरिष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर के रूप में दुबे क्लिनिक में कार्यरत हैं साथ-ही-साथ वे पुरुषों, महिलाओं, युवा और मध्यम आयु वर्ग के सभी प्रकार के यौन रोगियों को अपना आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और दवा प्रदान करते हैं।

उनका कहना है कि आयुर्वेदिक दवाएँ महंगी हो सकती हैं क्योंकि वे शुद्धिकरण से लेकर निर्माण तक की कई प्रक्रियाओं के लिए प्राकृतिक अवयवों के अधीन होने के बाद बनाई जाती हैं। इन सभी प्रक्रियाओं में मैन्युअल रूप से और गर्मी या अन्य रूपों में बहुत अधिक ऊर्जा की खपत होती है। यही कारण है कि यह महंगा हो सकता है लेकिन इसे सभी उद्देश्यों के लिए गुणवत्ता-सिद्ध और सत्यापित होना चाहिए। आजकल के प्रतिस्पर्धा में सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर ने गुणवत्ता कम मात्रा पर अधिक ध्यान दिया है जिससे वे मरीज को तो बेवकूफ बना देते है, परन्तु इस पेशे के वास्तविक्ता को नहीं।

sexologist doctors

आयुर्वेदिक दवाएं उन सभी यौन रोगियों (पुरुषों व महिलाओं) के लिए सबसे सफल उपचार प्रक्रिया है जो विभिन्न प्रकार के यौन रोगों से पीड़ित हैं।

पुरुष यौन रोगियों के लिए:-  जो पुरुष इरेक्शन की समस्या (कमजोर इरेक्शन, कभी-कभार इरेक्शन व  इरेक्शन न की स्थिति), स्खलन विकार (शीघ्रपतन, प्रतिगामी स्खलन, व विलम्बित स्खलन), यौन संचारित रोग, धातु रोग, कामेच्छा और बांझपन की समस्याओं से पीड़ित हैं।

 महिला यौन रोगियों के लिए:- जो मासिक धर्म की समस्याओं, यौन विकार, योनि संबंधी समस्याओं, यौन संचारित संक्रमण, दर्द विकार, वैजिनिस्मस आदि से पीड़ित हैं।

आयुर्वेद की विशेषता: हमारे आयुर्वेदाचार्य आयुर्वेद और सेक्सोलॉजी के चिकित्सा संकाय में भारत के नंबर वन आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हैं। उनसे इलाज के लिए भारत के साथ-साथ बिहार के पूरे जिलों से यौन रोगी हमेशा दुबे क्लिनिक आते हैं, इसलिए; वे उन सभी के लिए बिहार के सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट हैं। उनका लोगो से यही कहना है कि चिकित्सा की यह प्राकृतिक प्रणाली हमेशा यौन रोगियों को सुरक्षित, शुद्ध, प्रभावी और विश्वसनीय उपचार प्रदान करती है। यह रोगो को जड़ से ख़त्म करती है जिससे कि यौन या गुप्त रोगी को आजीवन उसके परेशानी से छुटकारा मिल जाता है।

आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा की निम्नलिखित विशेषताएँ हैं:-

  • संपूर्ण यौन समस्याओं से राहत मिलती है।
  • प्राकृतिक रूप से एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों में सुधार करता है।
  • प्रतिरक्षा और रोगाणुरोधी गुणों का निर्माण करता है।
  • मनोवैज्ञानिक रूप से तनाव प्रबंधन में मदद करता है।
  • हृदय, त्वचा, जोड़, यकृत और शरीर के लिए अच्छा है।
  • पाचन स्वास्थ्य के लिए हमेशा अच्छा है।
  • श्वसन स्वास्थ्य को भी बेहतर बनाता है।
  • कोई भी रोगी इस आयुर्वेदिक दवा का उपयोग कर सकता है।
sexologist doctors

दुबे क्लिनिक के बारे में:

दुबे क्लिनिक बिहार का पहला आयुर्वेद और सेक्सोलॉजी चिकित्सा विज्ञान क्लिनिक है जो कि पटना के लंगर टोली, चौराहा के नजदीक स्थित है। वर्तमान समय में सभी भारतीय यौन रोगियों के लिए यह आयुर्वेदिक क्लिनिक सबसे विश्वसनीय स्थान है। यह एक प्रमाणित क्लिनिक है जो कि 60 वर्षों से यौन रोगियों की सेवा व उनका इलाज करते आ रहा है। वास्तव में, इस आयुर्वेदिक क्लिनिक की 6 दशकों की विरासत लाखों लोगों के विश्वास के साथ खड़ी है। यह चिकित्सालय अपने प्राकृतिक दवा व इलाज के गुणवत्ता के लिए विश्व भर में प्रसिद्ध है।

 डॉ. सुनील दुबे एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर के सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर हैं जो दुनिया के शीर्ष-5 वरिष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर की सूची में स्थान रखते हैं। वे पहले भारतीय सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर भी हैं जिनको कि भारत गौरव पुरस्कार, स्वर्ण पदक, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद रत्न पुरस्कार और एशिया फेम आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर से सम्मानित किया गया है। वह दुबे क्लिनिक नित्य-दिन प्रैक्टिस करते हैं, जहाँ पूरे भारत से सौ से अधिक यौन रोगी प्रतिदिन उनसे फ़ोन पर संपर्क करते हैं। एक तिहाई यौन रोगी पटना के दुबे क्लिनिक में अपना इलाज करवाने आते हैं। वह उन सभी की उचित प्रतिक्रिया देते हैं और उन्हें उनका इलाज और दवाएँ देने में मदद करते है।

शुभकामनाओं के साथ:

दुबे क्लिनिक

भारत में एक प्रमाणित क्लिनिक

डॉ. सुनील दुबे, गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

बी.ए.एम.एस. (रांची) | एम.आर.एस.एच. (लंदन) | आयुर्वेद में पी.एच.डी. (यू.एस.ए.)

स्थान: दुबे मार्केट, लंगर टोली, चौराहा, पटना - 04

हेल्पलाइन नंबर: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Importance of Best Sexologist Patna Bihar Dr. Sunil Dubey

 About poor sexual performance of a sexual patient:

Are you troubled with your married life? In fact, your sexual performance is poor due to the mistakes you made in the early stages of life. This kind of thinking must be roaming in your mind. Don’t think so or overthink about your sexual myths. Mostly people complain their sexual performance poor due to erection problem and early ejaculation.

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, it is completely 90% due to physical reasons and you need to get it treated. The remaining role of this sexual problem is based on psychological where the patient gets anxiety, depression and relationship related problems.

If you are suffering from premature ejaculation then it is a purely psychological sexual disorder which is common among men. You need to get the consultation with sexologist doctor where you get sexual counseling, behavioral therapies, and Ayurvedic medicine to overcome from your problem.

sexologist in patna

About Best Sexual Treatment in Ayurveda:

If you want to get the holistic treatment of your sexual dysfunction, then your choice should tend towards Ayurvedic treatment and medication. Dubey Clinic is Asia No 1 Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic that provides complete treatment though natural system of medication.

The world renowned Ayurvedacharya is one of the most experienced and best sexologist doctors in Patna who is expert in Ayurvedic medicine and sexology medical science. He treats every sexual patient at Dubey Clinic and more than forty sexual patients come to this clinic every day. He treats all of them one by one and counsels them after that he provides them medication.

According to the experience of this world renowned Ayurvedacharya, Ayurvedic medicine and its natural ingredients are the most effective treatment for any disease. In case of sexual dysfunction, the importance of Ayurvedic medicine increases 100 times because this sexual dysfunction is associated with physical, mental, psychological, social and other complications. The natural system of treatment is not only suitable for an individual but it also helps them to become stronger in a natural way.

sexologist in patna bihar

Why do people of India believe in the treatment of Dr. Sunil Dubey?

In Reality, Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the best sexologist doctors in Bihar as the government of this state honors him with many state level awards for doing good work in Ayurveda and sexology medical science. He is the only Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor in this state who is honored with Bihar Shree Ratna Award, Bihar Jyoti Award, and Bihar Most Emerging Ayurvedic Sexologist doctor.

He treats both national and international sexual patients. His name and fame spread throughout the world, with sexual patients from more than 20 countries joining Dubey Clinic. They get their sexual treatment done in this clinic as most of the Indians work in different countries of the world. Sexual patients from different cities of India come to Patna to get their treatment, medicine and consultation at Dubey Clinic.

best sexologist in patna bihar

The main reason of trust on the treatment of Dr. Sunil Dubey is his most impressive Ayurvedic medicine and indigenous Ayurvedic manufacturing medicine unit. The expert team of Ayurvedic doctors prepares all the Ayurvedic medicines at Dubey Clinic. All the medicine of this clinic is quality-proven, herbal, and pure that is passed in all the standards. This clinic has been serving the sexual patients for more than 60 years in the profession of Ayurveda and Sexology medical science.

Does Dubey Clinic provide all treatment to sexually transmitted patients?

Yes! Dubey Clinic provides complete treatment and medication under then non-surgical system of Ayurvedic medicine. This clinic provides the complete treatment and medical for married, unmarried, male, female, young, and middle-aged sexual patients. The newlywed couples also visit this clinic to get their sexual marital (cause of relationship issues) counseling and this clinic provides them their psychological sexual counseling that is helpful to their future married life.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Optimal Sexologist in Patna, Bihar for STIs Remedies | Dubey Clinic

 About Trichomoniasis Sexually Transmitted Infections:

Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by parasites. In women, symptoms of this STI are easily visible when they have foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching and pain during urination. No obvious symptoms are found in male cases. This sexual problem creates the complication of risk of premature delivery for the pregnant woman. The main risk factor of this sexually transmitted infection is unprotected sexual intercourse.

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist in Patna says that sexual intercourse without using protection is the root cause of this sexually transmitted sexual disease. This sexual infection takes place in the patient’s life due to parasite. There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans; those are protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. In the case of Trichomoniasis sexually transmitted infection, the protozoa parasite is the cause of this sexual problem. It is also known as Trichomonas vaginalis infection.

sexologist doctors in patna

Common Symptoms of Trichomoniasis STI are below:

  • Itching, burning, redness, or soreness in the genitals
  • Discomfort while peeing
  • A clear, white, yellow, or green vaginal discharge with fishy odor

Once a person (man or woman) gets infected with this Trichomoniasis STI, he or she should consult a sexologist or sexual health care doctor for treatment.

About Treatment of Trichomoniasis Sexually Transmitted Infection:

As we all know that Ayurveda medicine is the most effective and holistic solution to any problem. In fact, in the case of sexual issue, the importance of this Ayurvedic medicine and treatment becomes more times in comparison with others. The system of healing the problem in the natural way always provides the most satisfactory result to the sexual patient.

sexologist doctors in patna

Dr. Sunil Dubey is India’s most popular and highly experienced sexologist doctor who is expertise in Ayurveda and Sexology medical science. He has been involved in this sexologist profession for a long time. He has successfully treated more than four lakhs of sexual patients of India. He is the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researcher who has researched on various sexual problems of men and women to get the exact remedy. After five years, he has discovered the accurate Ayurvedic medicine to the sexual patients who suffer from infection issues, erection problem, ejaculation disorder, and other sexual problems.

At present time, he is the best sexologist in Bihar because he practices at Dubey Clinic that is located at Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04. Mostly sexual patients from this state always give him the first priority because Dubey Clinic is the oldest and leading Ayurvedic clinic of Bihar as well as India.

sexologist doctors in patna

Dr. Sunil Dubey says that antibiotics are the best treatment to eliminate any infection problem. He uses herbs, natural chemicals and effective bhasma in his Ayurvedic and natural medicines which are prepared by a team of expert doctors of Ayurveda. Dr. Sunil Dubey guides them and all the medicines are prepared under his guidance. All the medicines of this clinic are quality-proven and stand on every mark of standard. There are no any side-effects of Ayurvedic medicines on body and this clinic especially cares for its quality and purity.

Call and make an appointment:

If you want to get rid of your sexual problem from root then you should surely choose Dubey Clinic. This clinic is standing for its quality medication, experienced treatment, and proper response. Sexual patients from all over India contact this clinic to make their appointment. Now is the time to end your sexual problem. Don't waste your time make it now.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

For More Info visit us:-

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Choose Right Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar @dubeyclinic

 Do you live in Patna and wandering here and there for the treatment of sexual dysfunction? Oh! Oh God. Why are you upset and misguiding yourself? This is not the time to get frustrated with your sexual problem. Now is the time to consult India's No. 1 Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor who practices at Dubey Clinic.


There are lots of quacks and inexperienced sexual doctors are ambush to give their consultation in Patna. In such a situation, you should always be cautious of all those quacks. It is time to use your wisdom and arrive at the right destination. Dubey Clinic is Asia No 1 Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic that is located in Patna, Bihar. Sexual patients from all over India including abroad contact Dubey Clinic to get their proper treatment and medication. Bharat Gaurav Awardee Dr. Sunil Dubey is the best sexologist in Bihar who treats all types of sexual patients at Dubey Clinic every day. More than hundred sexual patients from all over India contact this clinic over phone to get the consultation with Dr. Sunil Dubey.

sexologist doctor

In the entire cities of India more than six lakhs sexual patients have benefitted from Dubey Clinic. Mostly sexual patients reported that they had spent lots of money and time on their sexual problems. By the way, business is business but this is question of life, where you should always verify your sexual healthcare doctor who is reliable for you or not.

Make your appointment with Dubey Clinic to get full-time solution for your sexual disease. This clinic is certified and proven for all the quality purpose like services, treatment, medication, and healthcare privileges. It is highly chance that you will overcome from your sexual problem under the certain time of treatment. Rely on Ayurveda and its supplements that ensure our healthy life.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Top class Sexologist in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey

 About Best Sexologist in Bihar:

Do you live in Bihar state? It is the third largest state by population in India. It is the 12th largest city by area and the 14th largest state by GDP. This state is bordered by Nepal in the north, Jharkhand in the south, West Bengal in the east and Uttar Pradesh in the west.

Right now, you are looking for your sexual health care doctor in this state. You are a married man and turning 32 years old. This is a rapid discharge known as premature ejaculation, which makes it difficult for you to last long in your sexual activity. After penetration, you get discharged and your partner complains against your action. She also becomes despair because she does not achieve her satisfaction in this sexual activity.

Dubey Clinic is the ideal destination for sexual patients of Bihar:

Dubey Clinic is the ideal medical destination for all types of sexual patients who want to get rid of their sexual problems. This is the first Ayurveda clinic of Bihar that is based on Ayurveda and Sexology medical science. It provides complete sexual treatment and medication privileges under the Ayurvedic medicines and its remedies. This is the biggest Ayurvedic clinic of Bihar that is located at Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04.

Best Sexologist in Patna Bihar

The Bharat Gaurav Awardee Dr. Sunil Dubey is the best sexologist in Bihar who practices at Dubey Clinic every day. He treats all types of sexual patients like married, unmarried, young, and chronic. This famous sexologist of India has researched on mostly sexual dysfunctions of men and women and discovered the most accurate Ayurvedic medicine to them. In today’s time, more than thirty sexual patients are availing of this clinic medication every day.

Sexual patients from all over India contact Dubey Clinic to get the consultation with Dr. Sunil Dubey. They come to Patna in Dubey Clinic and get their treatment, medication and counseling. The expert team of Ayurveda prepares all the Ayurvedic medicines in Dubey lab and Research Centre. This clinic provides quality-proven natural medicines to the sexual patients. There are no side-effects of Ayurvedic medicines and any patient can utilize this medicine to improve their sexual health.

Best Sexologist in Patna Bihar

Treatment for Rapid Discharge and Lower Performance:

Dr. Sunil Dubey says that premature ejaculation is a psychological disorder which affects the efficiency of ejaculation in men. In the entire world, more than 40% people report that they suffer from this premature ejaculation problem. In this condition, an experience sexologist doctor who is expertise in psychological sexual therapist is most effective for this type of sexual patients.

This famous sexologist in Patna is India’s most successful Ayurveda medicine researcher, sexual therapist, sexual medicine counselor, senior sexologist doctor, and Ayurvedic Doctor who provides the complete process of treatment and medication privileges to the sexual patients. He has successfully treated more than 4 lakhs of sexual patients of India that shows his experience in this sexologist profession. The newlywed couple also comes to Dubey Clinic to get the consultation with Dr. Sunil Dubey for their successful marriage life. He helps them to manage their stress and relationship issue that is the biggest trouble in married life.

Best Sexologist in Patna Bihar

Make an appointment at Dubey Clinic to get rid of your sexual problem:

If you are a sexual patient and want to consult with Dr. Sunil Dubey, then make an appointment with Dubey Clinic. The appointment is available over phone where any sexual can make it from 08:00 AM to 20:00 PM every day. After your appointment, you can visit the clinic in time.

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most powerful natural systems of treatment that provides complete solution to any sexual problem. One who believes in this medicine becomes healthy within a short time.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112






Superlative Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic

 Why people search for Best Sexologist in Patna:

Are you a sexual patient with weak erection and low level sexual performance? Actually, you are married and after just three months you have become a victim of this sexual disease. Currently, you have taken some medicines to improve your sexual health but it was a temporary level of sexual relief. You are living in the same condition after that medicine. After discussion with your partner, you have decided to undergo treatment under Ayurvedic medicine.

Actually, this is your right decision because permanent relief from any sexual disease is available only in Ayurvedic treatments. At present, you live in Patna, Bihar and looking for the best sexologist in Patna. This is Ayurveda medicine and only an experienced and certified Ayurvedic sexologist doctor can provide genuine and 100% natural medicine for your sexual health. That's why; you should choose your sexologist doctor using your wisdom while being patient.

best sexologist in patna

About Gold Medalist and Bharat Gaurav Awardee Sexologist in Patna, Bihar:

Dr. Sunil Dubey, he is a world famous Ayurvedacharya and India’s No 1 sexologist doctor in the profession of Ayurveda and Sexology medical science. He has been involved in this sexologist profession for a long time. He is also the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researcher who has researched on various sexual diseases of men and women. After 5 years of his successful research, he has discovered 100% natural, pure, and most effective Ayurvedic medicines to them. This discovery is a great achievement for him and most beneficial and panacea for all types of sexual patients.

Regarding weak erection in men, he says that it is a major sexual difficulty for the male sexual patient. While on one hand the sexual patient is unable to maintain his erection continuity, on the other hand his partner starts getting irritated by this sexual activity. In this situation both men and women face mental problems. There are many reasons for the weak erection in men but the major reasons are medical, physical, and health-related issues.

Treatment and Medication for Weak Erection:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is also the best sexologist in Bihar and practices at Dubey Clinic. He says that Ayurveda is one of the most reliable and safe medical system for any sexual disease. It has a complete solution to diseases which cures them from the root. Sexual patients from all over come to Dubey Clinic in Patna to get important sexual consultation from him.

best sexologist in patna

This world famous sexologist says that in this condition the sexual patient needs to remain involved in physical activities most of the time. He should take proper diet and controls his weight. He should be aware of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and kidney problems. He should focus on exercise especially cardio vascular exercise.

He provides complete Ayurvedic medicines to all those male sexual patients who suffer from different sexual dysfunctions such as- erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation, metal disease, nocturnal emission, sexually transmitted disease, penile infection, sexual weakness, low libido, and other sexual problems.

Female sexual patients also come to Dubey Clinic to get their treatment and medication for menstruation problems, vaginal dryness, abnormal leucorrhoea, low sexual drive, sexual pain disorder, sexually transmitted infections, and other sexual problems. He also provides his treatment privileges to all of them in the presence of their parents or partners.

Make an Appointment with Dubey Clinic now:

If you are a sexual patient and want to get relief from your sexual problem, then you should make an appointment with Dubey Clinic now. The appointment is available over phone where anyone can make it easily from 08:00 AM to 20:00 PM every day. Believe in Ayurvedic medicine because it is our traditional and natural system of medicine that provides full-time solution from any sexual disease.

More than six lakhs of sexual patients have benefitted from Dubey Clinic as yet. The experienced hands, quality-proven Ayurvedic medicines, and expert counseling make you strong in your sexual wellness.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A certified clinic in India

Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112